
  • 8 Dec 2021

  • 8 Dec 2021

What makes a good landing page design?

What is a good landing page design?

A good landing page design can be referred to as a minimalist, appealing, and attractive design. The design should be aligned with a sharp and clear design. A simple and clean design would make it appealing to the eyes of the customers.

But that first impression stage only holds when post-click landing pages are fully optimized, and creating an optimized one can be challenging if you’re new to the process.

Clean Design

The presentation, look and overall structure of the page design should be created in a way that impacts its effectiveness which would help to traipse the attention of more viewers to it.

It should be designed in a clean and organized manner to make it appealing for the viewers. Its primary goal must be making it easy for the visitors. So it is crucial that all the elements of the page work towards these objectives.

Though it is the filling of a form, purchasing something, or downloading an ebook, all the things should be made clean and sharp for the visitors.

Use of colors

Colors, good, landing, page, design

The shades of Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Purple, and Blue are all considered an excellent color choice to grab the attention of anyone easily in the business. It creates the vibes in a way that traipses the attention of any individual most fully. Instead of packing the website with text, graphics, and photographs, the industry must be selective with some bright colors as well.

A clean layout will offer more visual impact than a page consisting crowd of elements. The use of eye-catchy colors and images creates an effective landing page.

Consumers are more likely to read an advertisement, that is colorfully compared to black and white. It helps not only to identify the brand but also to help illustrate points within an ad, highlighting the perspective of any industry.

Reading comprehension improves, and customers grasp concepts faster when color is integrated into messaging. An effective design makes smart use of color and eye-catching images as well. There are many different button attributes one could use to bring a good design with a good layout.

Proper Design

Proper Design, good, landing, page, design

The landing page with a proper and sharp design with obvious and natural navigation which would not contain any distractions increases the number of users.

It should provide the necessary information which would encourage the visitors to stay on it. It should not contain too much or too short information, but only the relevant information which should contain simple and understanding words.

The information that is put in the front and center should be easily scannable – a good copy many times uses the bullet points to explain details of the content.

The visitors scroll down when they get good, useful, and well-presented information. So it should be properly aligned with the layout.

A good landing page design must maintain a clean and attractive visual impression with allowing visitors to get the information they might desire.

Another way to add more information without overwhelming visitors with text is through video. One can highlight the key points and offer the text along with using an optional, clickable video to explain the details.

Appealing Header

A good landing page should always contain a good header that would be able to explain why the offer is valuable in clear and concise terms. Its headline and subheadings provide a key opportunity to promote the value of the brand and bring viewers to it. Most effective ones write the headline in such a way that it builds trust with the customers.

Visual Simplicity

Visual simplicity takes into account all elements of a landing page. Maintaining visual simplicity increases the chances of bringing more viewers to it. A minimalist design is important because it enables the visitors to focus more on it.

Trust Signals

A good landing page makes abundant use of trust signals, which can build up the trust of the visitors about the brand.

Trust signals on it can contain several forms – testimonials are a classic form of trust signal. It can also be done with Like counters, which can help to push more likes from various social media sites.

Along with this, trust badges are another powerful tool implemented by effective landing pages. Trust badges many times refer to the logos of well-known brands and serve as endorsements of trustworthiness and skill.

Easily accessible & mobile-friendly

The landing page must be made mobile-friendly, which would give access to navigation on a mobile device.

If a company makes its website, then it has to make it easy to access for its customers. So when any company provides fast loading pages, then that it is easily accessible for its customers. This would also help to get a fast speed. It offers the user search tools for quick and proper navigation. The users get a good platform to search and get the required content they want. It proves to be a good platform for the customers, as well as for the company that directly provides proper information about the industry and product.

It saves it from getting overloaded. All these things help it to get more traffic. When an industry provides a good service or product, that can be spread business.

It should look and feel great on mobile devices. Also, it should be easy to navigate, fast-loading, and easily accessible.

This would bring more visitors on call to action on the page, by isolating them from other elements. It maintains the design flow by placing elements in a way that directs the user to keep reading.

Minimalistic Design

Minimalistic web design reveals beauty by eliminating all non-required features and concepts. It features the elements in their most basic forms.

It is the formation that uses the most basic, stripped of elements, colors, shapes, and textures. Its purpose is to make the web content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist form tends to bring the mind down to the basics.

It goes with the larger content, feature, and layout strategies. It is strategically to create visual interest or direct attention without adding any additional elements.

Designers who adopt a minimalist strategy, consider each element in their interfaces and eliminate the others that are not required to support the core functionality or message of it.

Keep the form short

Short form, good landing page design

We see many of the websites keep forms for the viewers before showing their content to them.

So when a user visits the site, to collect as much data as they can from it.

But before getting the information, they need to fill out the form that needs their personal information like name mobile number, and other things, this often leads to leaving the page.

So the forms should be short and do not ask for the contact details.

This would help to get more visitors to it. The more fields asked a visitor to enter, the less chance it creates to them filling out the form and completing the desired conversion.

The form should only ask the essentials of what is needed.

When designed with specifications, then it can meet the business goals and can encourage people to take action such as sign up for your mailing list, provide contact information, subscribe to a newsletter, make a purchase, or request a consultation, etc.

Use of Media

Images, videos, good, landing, page

The right images and videos on landing pages will help persuade more visitors. A great image and video would help tell the story more conveniently, and also demonstrate the product effectively.

It would also help to create a good connection with visitors. So it is crucial to add images and videos on it, to convey the information or content conveniently. The images of friendly-looking, real people instead of generic stock images help to build trust with the visitors. Including relevant product and service imagery gives visitors a better understanding of what they are buying exactly.

Many people usually do not get a clear picture in their mind about the services offered, so the website needs to take the help of the images to attract the attention of the customers. So the engagement of images helps to drive the message properly to the minds of the people. Nobody will get interested in reading a context that is difficult to read or contains less quality. If the people would find our content appealing, then they would leave our page.


It is crucial to check the landing page, as it would help to know that how effectively it is made to attract the viewers attention. It gives an idea about how it gets a response to the designed landing page. If it gets more traffic, then it would be a good design made by the designer.


The page when presented with proper useful content forms a good customer base. This helps in obtaining belief in the minds of the customers. Landing pages lead customers to a specific product, service, or offer and encourage them to take action, and also give the opportunity to create conversions and build the customer base in the market.

When the website achieves credibility and trust in the minds of customers, then it brings more customers, and ultimately becomes a credible and trustworthy source, which ultimately becomes a brand. It becomes reliable in the minds of the people.

One of the main benefits of it is that they directly support the business goals by promoting the products in an appealing manner, which helps in getting new customers. It supports the business goals and benefits because they can reach to audience or goal the industry is targeting, and allow to measure success with relation to that goal.

[The images are being taken from the registered companies and belong to their respective owners only.]